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30 - The Gift of One Day – How to Grieve a Grandchild and Support an Adult Child Who Lost a Baby with Kerry and Chris Shook
Join us for a conversation with Pastor Kerry and Chris Shook about how to grieve a grandchild and support an adult child who has lost a baby. After losing their grandson, Jude, they had to learn how to navigate grief both from the perspective of grandparents and parents. In this episode, they share how they came alongside their son and daughter-in-law and walked with them through their grief.Kerry and Chris give practical ideas on how to show up for your children who are grieving a baby and how to navigate family traditions and holidays. They also share hope-filled lessons they learned from Jude who lived for one day on this earth. Their story will inspire us to live with intention for Jesus in memory of our babies in Heaven.In this episode, we discussed:
What to do when you can't fix your children's pain when they've lost a baby
How to be a safe place for your child who is grieving
Seeing God work even in the middle of difficulties
Starting a Miracle Book and the impact it made on their faith
"Just for today" prayers
Honoring grandchildren in Heaven through family traditions
Special memorial ideas for the holidays
Normalizing talking about babies in Heaven and going to their graves
Learning the lesson: "Hard is not the opposite of good"
The power of vulnerability, including in the Church
About their book, The Gift of One Day
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