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32: Original Blessing & The Truest Thing About Us with Danielle Shroyer
In this episode, host Kelly Wolfe is joined by author and spiritual director, Danielle Shroyer, to discuss:-what the word blessing truly means and how original blessing is the truest thing about us as humans-how the doctrine of original sin is unhelpful and unncessary to understanding human nature, sin, and our relationship to God -ways we have cartoonized and flattened the biblical account of Genesis 1-3, and what is actually there in the text when we look closer, and so much more! Guest Bio: Danielle Shroyer is a spiritual director, author, speaker, and former pastor. She currently serves as Spiritual Director in Residence at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, where she creates formation resources and experiences rooted in wisdom spirituality. Danielle is a graduate of Baylor University and Princeton Theological Seminary and was a founding member of the emerging church movement. She is the author of three books, most recently Original Blessing: Putting Sin in its Rightful Place. A 2nd Dan taekwondo black belt and a yoga enthusiast, she and her husband Dan have two college aged children. They live in Dallas with their two rescue dogs and a patio of feral cats. You can find her at danielleshroyer.com, or on Instagram at @DanielleShroyer.