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33: Knowing & Insisting on Your Value in the Workplace with Morgan Strehlow
In this episode, host Kelly Wolfe is joined by writer and fellow podcast host, Morgan Strehlow, to discuss the wisdom and best practices they've picked up throughout their time navigating the job market in various industries, roles, and times. They share best practices related to: job hunting and navigating the job market, salary negotiations, asking for promotions, setting workplace boundaries, office dynamics, personal values, etc. Guest Bio: Morgan Strehlow (she/her) is a literary agent and freelance writer who spent the first decade of her career as a creator, administrator, and researcher in the sports industry. Now she comes alongside authors from longing to book launch, cultivating courage, clarifying their message, and offering advocacy, accountability, and soul care through the writing and publishing process. Morgan also hosts Sanctuary Woman, a contemplative podcast for weary Christians recovering from purity culture and navigating a curious faith. When she's not writing or working with writers, Morgan stays busy as mom to Seth and partner to Sean, in their new home state of Pennsylvania. You can find her on Twitter, IG, and Threads @morganstrehlow or on her website at morganstrehlow.com