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34: Ell and Courtney – Thoughts That Manifest Podcast
This episode features Ell Duclos and Courtney from the Thoughts That Manifest Podcast. We chat all things about their friendship, family, abandonment wounds, loss and grief, self care and astrology + so much more. Ell is a Manifestation and Mindset coach and Courtney works in Critical Care. A powerful episode on all things deep, dark and beautiful in life. Featured Resources on the episode Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Pre-order Phi’s debut book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. Thoughts That Manifest Podcast Thoughts That Manifest Instagram Ell Duclos – Instagram Ell Duclos – Website Courtney – Instagram Phi on The Thoughts That Manifest Podcast Chatting to Ell Duclos and Courtney from the Thoughts That Manifest Podcast Hello Beautiful Souls, today I am so excited to have Ell and Courtney from the Thoughts That Manifest Podcast which is all about inspiring people to awaken their mind to their limitless potential. I was recently on their podcast a couple of weeks ago and I’ll link it to you in the show notes it was such a beautiful deep conversation on uncovering your soul purpose through human design. We also discussed all things related to self love, self care and soul alignment! Ell Duclos and Courtney Human Design Ell – Manifesting Generator 5/1 Courtney – Emotional Projector – 4/6 What’s covered speaking to Ell and Courtney from the Thoughts That Manifest Podcast Describing each other, Ell and Courtney’s friendship of over 20 years! Having other friends Long distance friendships and navigating that Looking at their charts together I found it interesting that their energies overlaid to become one channel that’s activated is struggle – Ell has the energy of fear of purpose in the sense not living up to your full potential or that life is meaningless, Courtney has the