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35: Reproductive Care: Justice, Faith & Ethics with Rev. Jes Kast
**Content Warning for this Episode: We discuss topics like sexuality, reproductive healthcare, abortion access, contraception, and more. Please proceed with caution if needed.In this episode, I am joined by Rev. Jes Kast to discuss various aspects of the women's reproductive healthcare conversation (including abortion, contraception, sex education, etc.). Jes is an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Christ, and pastor of a UCC church in Pennsylvania, where she lives with her wife. She is also a member of the National Clergy Advocacy Board for Planned Parenthood, which you can read more about here. You can find Jes on IG, Threads, and Twitter @revjeskast.Link to: Where Do We Go From Here Podcast Episode 108: The Big One About Abortion