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#37 Bad Dates & Should Guys Pay the Bill?
Scarlett relays the story of a date that went so badly that she refused to let her date pay for her meal. The story prompted Hazel to talk about a date where she also refused to let her date pay, but also left him on the side of the road! Scarlett then tells the group about a recent trip to Houston where she ended up on a date that made her very uneasy, which ignited a discussion about the importance of ensuring that a date feels comfortable. Jimmy asked the girls who should pay on the first date and a discussion ensued about the proper etiquette and preferences when it comes to who pays the bill and when it might be appropriate to split the expense. Jimmy relives the story of a woman who ghosted him after he refused to allow her to contribute towards the dinner bill. Do girls want a guy to ask before he goes in for a kiss? Jimmy asks that question of Scarlett and Hazel and they share their opinion about how the first kiss should go down. That evolved into a discussion about how to kiss and what constitutes a good kiss. Scarlett shares the story of what she considers the worst date she has ever had. Jimmy tells the girls that he has never had a bad date and shares his secrets for planning a good date and how that has contributed to his dating successes. What was your worst date ever? Who should pay on the first date? Send us your responses and they may end up on the podcast or our social media pages – we would love to hear from you! Also, be sure to like and subscribe to our social media pages – each platform has unique content, so be sure to subscribe to them all! Website: http://goodbadwhoreable.comEmail: Info@goodbadwhoreable.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegbwpodcastTwitter: https://twitter.com/BadWhoreableInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodbadwhoreable/Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gbwpodcast?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DsntTgH_r9yU6TenCvuSQ