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#41 Open Relationships & Swinging
The crew dives into open relationships, posing the question of whether a non-monogamous relationship has less chance for success if it starts as a monogamous relationship. Scarlett explains why she told her husband that she wanted an open marriage and how he reacted. Axel shares what happened when him and his wife opened their seventeen-year marriage – and why he has no regrets even after their divorce. Raylan talks about the conversations he has had with his wife about opening their marriage and why she may have some hesitancy. Willow discloses her insecurities that arose when her husband mentioned the topic to her. Chase and Hazel disclose secrets of maintaining a swinging relationship and lifestyle. Chase shares some tips for keeping a relationship spicy. Have you ever had an open relationship? If so, how did it go? Do you think open relationships can be successful if they started out monogamous? Send us your responses and they may end up on the podcast or our social media pages – we would love to hear from you! Also, be sure to like and subscribe to our social media pages – each platform has unique content, so be sure to subscribe to them all! Website: http://goodbadwhoreable.comEmail: Info@goodbadwhoreable.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegbwpodcastTwitter: https://twitter.com/BadWhoreableInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodbadwhoreable/Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gbwpodcast?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pcYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC2DsntTgH_r9yU6Te