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48 – August Energy Update
In this episode Phi shares an update of the collective energy in August 2023 which promises to be a celestial spectacle with two supermoons in Aquarius and Pisces, the Leo New Moon, and several planets in retrograde. She also touches on the the heart chakra, love, soul mates, starseeds and light councils. Resources from today’s episode Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here. Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here. Phi’s book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. August 2023 Energy Update Hi beautiful souls, can you believe it’s August 2023 already!? By demand this episode is all about the energetics of August and there is a lot going on and to be honest I think I’ve said that about most months this year. It feels like 2023 is this huge energetic shift all year setting up for what is going to be a BIG 2024. This month promises to be a celestial spectacle with two supermoons in Aquarius and Pisces, the Leo New Moon, and several planets in retrograde. So, let’s dive right in and uncover the cosmic influences that will shape our spiritual paths. Supermoons and Full Moons 2023 August begins and ends with two super full moons. At the time of recording this we’ve just had the Aquarius full moon and the majority of many have been feeling all the feels. It’s interesting because this moon in particular is known as the “Sturgeon” moon, named after the fish and is symbolic of the older parts of ourselves that may be hidden and want to come to light — hence the super full moon illumination. Full moons are about release and emotions (the moon symbolic of the feminine and emotions) yet the Aquarius flavour gives us a practicality and groundedness to it. A full moon represents the closing of a chapter so this one links to the Aquarius New Moon that happened in January 2023. Compare where you were then and how you were feeling vs where you are now. What’s the difference between a Supermoon and normal full moon, well everything is amplified and heightened! Already the case with a full moon and even more so with a supermoon. Energy becomes more intense. Emotions become more intense. Intuition becomes more intense. Now I will intuitively let you know that the Supermoon that closes the month will be way more emotional than the one that opened because it’s Pisces energy and the beginning was Aquarius. Pisces is a water sign known to be sensitive and in the depths of the feels. Starseed, Aliens and Light C