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6 effective steps to a debt-free company part-1
“It's your duty as a business owner to ensure that your company is adequately funded, which means neither the shortage of funds nor the excess of it." - Malay DamaniaAs entrepreneurs, we all understand how borrowing and the interest costs associated with it affect our cash flow and profitability. If we try to overlook and disregard this financial cost and the cash flow, then it can turn into a total mess for our company.In today's episode, the podcast host Malay is sharing some of the most effective ways in which a company can be debt-free or borrowing freeHere are some of the key points that he is sharing in this episodeImportance of funds in businessNever chew more than you can swallowPrepare a chart of all your debtsPrioritize your repayment plan<br/>Download chart of debt here:http://bit.ly/3ObOI9t
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Connect with Malay at:Website - www.malaydamania.comLinkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ma....lay-damania-23285717 - https://www.instagram.com/malaydamania/Email - malay@malaydamania.com
**This show is produced and managed by Done For You Podcasts, full-service podcast launch and management company**