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#70 OnlyFans & A Congressman’s Secret
Scarlett has found out about Selene and Joy’s OnlyFans and asks them to share some insights into the world of creating titillating content. The girls dish their expertise on the various ways to make money on OnlyFans and how they get the most bang for their buck on the platform, even without full nudity. The conversation turns to explore the stigmas surrounding OnlyFans and Joy shares her quest for nipple equality, for which the rest of the group whole-handedly approves. Selene and Joy compare their most watched videos and the types of content their target audiences appreciate the most. This leads to a group discussion about the stress that comes with maintaining quality, targeted content on so many platforms. They chat about moderating comments for inappropriate content and vulgar messages and dig into some of the sex kinks they’ve encountered through the platform as well. Selene recounts a congressman that messaged her with an odd request and the group swaps stories of some generally cringey encounters, from setting off a sister’s dildo in bed to accidental dick pics in the family group chat. The art of a good dick pic is always a topic rife with opinions, which leads the group to a discussion of their specific preferences for features they find the most sexually attractive. Caramello shares the details of the “okay to look and touch” policy that he shares with his wife and the exploration they mutually enjoy with each other's permission. The conversation shifts to sex clubs, what to expect when attending, and the rules and regulations that entail. Finally, the group laments society’s drably puritanical approach to nudity and advocates for more humor during sex.Have you had any luck with OnlyFans? Any awkward sex stories you want to get off your chest? Sound off in Discord! If you love our content, please consider donating to help keep our show going – anything helps! Would you consider sponsoring an episode for $500? If so, Scarlett will give you a shout out on the episode by name (email her the name you’d like her to say, if different from what comes through the payment system). We appreciate our listeners’ support! Donate here: https://linktr.ee/goodbadpodcastWe are on Discord! If you ever wanted to know what it felt like to be in a GBW group chat, this is the place to find out! The GBW regulars (and some of the guests) are on the server daily interacting with listeners. Download the Discord Android or Apple app or join us from a computer: https://discord.gg/avf8jXn8e9
Website: http://GBWPod.comEmail: Scarlett@GBWPod.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegbwpodcastTwitter: https://twitter.com/BadWhoreableInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegbwpodcast/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2DsntTgH_r9yU6TenCvuSQ
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