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#833 - Keep, Delete, & More of
3 things to ask when starting a new month: - what should I delete? - what should I keep? - what do I need more of? Self assess and constantly evaluate for highest and best use of every hour earmarked for your work.
IF you enjoyed the show please leave us a review to help push this message to more listeners around the world!Please visit Taylorawelch.com to access all of Taylor's socials and content Text Taylor: 615-326-5037Chapters:(01:11) Asking meaningful questions (01:31) Three key questions(02:10) The power of values in decision-making (02:31) Balancing nuance(02:41) Interdependence of company and individual interests (03:34) Focusing on the top 20% of impactful tasks (04:00) The role of energy management(04:42) Recognizing and eliminating(06:00) Discomfort and missed targets (08:18) Shifting the narrative