# 93 - The Molestation Of Reality
On the 93rd episode of the SKIDS PODCAST;<br/><br/>- Billy West is NOT dead!?!<br/>- Shane reviews movies he has never seen.<br/>- Van Damme has made the same movie several times. (And they are all awesome!)<br/>- Is Jamie Lee Curtis a hermaphrodyte?<br/>- Deadly traps being set in Brazil.<br/>- Cartels like tourism.<br/>- Kidnapping in Haiti.<br/>- Stage 4 molestation.<br/>- Alex Stein's day in Plano Texas. (Video)<br/>- People that think they are animals.<br/>- Man in a bear costume in China zoo. (Video)<br/>- Man living as a dog...<br/>- Practical effects and CGI: A delicate balance.<br/>- House Explosion caught on RING camera. (Video)<br/>- Did Matt Stone and Trey Parker have something to do with the Dumb and Dumber prequel?<br/>- Tim Burton's Batman 3.<br/><br/>Opening Theme -<br/>Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)<br/>Video Link: https://youtu.be/JQMpl4Peln8<br/>Genre Music: Rock - Country<br/><br/>Opening Video -<br/>Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13<br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n3ZzWKXaU4<br/><br/>Velvet Alley Designs -<br/>https://velvet-alley.com/<br/><br/>Coffee Brand Coffee -<br/>https://coffeebrandcoffee.com/<br/>Use the coupon code: gps1 to receive 5% off your purchase. You will be supporting an independent, growing company, as well as our show in the process!!<br/><br/>Lionheart (1990) Official Trailer - Jean-Claude Van Damme Movie HD<br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKqjwvWNnzg<br/><br/>Alex Stein FORCIBLY REMOVED From Plano City Council<br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY6sAFSOTqw<br/><br/>Chinese zoo denies their bear is a guy in a bear suit<br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp8jZWU6deE&t=25s<br/><br/>Deadly home explosion near Pittsburgh captured by Ring camera<br/>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGnBvHiidG0<br/><br/>#skids #skidspodcast #garbagepailskids #gps #podcast #comedy #discussion #mandelaeffect #movies #billywest #futurama #voiceacting #jeanclaudevandamme #jcvd #lionheart #jamieleecurtis #truelies #brazil #cartels #tourism #actionfilms #haiti #alexstein #planotexas #texas #animals #bearcostume #chinesezoo #ringcamera #explosion #houseexplosion #cgi #practicaleffects #manlivingasdog #dogs #timburton #batman #dccomics #batmanreturns #batman3 #treyparker #mattstone #southpark #dumbanddumber #dumbanddumberer #farrellybrothers #warnerbros #news #martialarts #moviereview #moviescript