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A Little Bit About Childhood Trauma
In this episode of "A Woman" podcast, Rebekah Arcuri discusses childhood trauma in a "crash-course" format. Aiming to make human development and family studies research more comprehensible and accessible to the public, Rebekah tackles the heavy (and loaded) topic of childhood trauma. What is childhood trauma? What does a trauma disorder look like in children? What are ACEs? How can I help? Don't worry, Rebekah answers those questions here.To learn more...Follow me on all my socials to stay updated on new episodes!Insta: @awomanpodcast and @bexarcuriFacebook: Rebekah ArcuriWebsite: www.bexarcuri.comResources referenced in podcast episode:https://www.samhsa.gov/child-t....rauma/understanding- this quiz below provided by NPR to find out your ACE score! https://www.npr.org/sections/h....ealth-shots/2015/03/