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A Radically New Approach to Segmentation - John Buten - Revenue Today - Episode # 055
This episode of Revenue Today features guest host Iris Zarecki, Director of Product Marketing at Explorium. Today, she is joined by John Buten, Principal Analyst at Forrester, as she discusses how data that is spread around makes it difficult for companies to operationalize with a coherent picture.Explorium suggests a different approach to segmentation and the data you need to use. Not only do they provide a large catalog of business data, but they also go beyond basic two-dimensional segmentation to include personas, individuals, geos, location, and demographic info to pinpoint the attributes that are impactful to you. TakeawaysExplorium takes your internal data like win-loss analysis and matches it with their catalog of attributes to see which are most impactful to you.Explorium can be used to come up with qualified leads for the sales team.The 4-step segmentation process is Pre-process, Enrich, Filter, and Score. Quote of the Show"The initial results when we did a proof of concept with them were amazing. We were able to give them 650,000 new leads in the proof of concept, and they got very good reviews from their salespeople. Very good leads." - Iris Zarecki Connect with Iris in the links below: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iriszarecki/Website: https://www.explorium.ai/ Find out more about John in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnbuten/ Ways to tune in:Amazon MusicApple PodcastSpotifyGoogle PodcastYouTube: https://youtu.be/6KEho9RSaHs