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Alcohol & Accountability, with author, coach, and podcast host, Heidi Busche
Today's episode is a very special one for me as I'm speaking with Heidi Busche, a good friend who is the host of the Heidi B Podcast Show, author, and coach - who also happens to be one of the first people I reached out to when considering coming out publicly with my DID journey. Heidi is one of the most authentic, raw, and vulnerable souls that I know, who is bravely and boldly sharing her story of alcoholism and her path to sobriety. Heidi has worked through the guilt and shame she felt of what was a years-long struggle, and speaks openly about her human-ness, and how she needed to accept that as a human, she is both flawed AND amazing. This allowed her to make different decisions once she decided to get sober. <br/><br/>In a candid conversation, we talk about Heidi's young beginning with alcohol, her parents struggle with alcoholism, and how in a split-second moment of clarity, on a somewhat regular morning, she realized that she could either fight for her life and get sober, or she could die drinking. When Heidi really thought about what death would look like from drinking, it was a shock to her system, and caused her to start to make lasting moves to change her behaviors. <br/><br/>We also discuss how post-Covid, the conversation about alcoholism and the surrounding mental health is opening up, removing some of the stigma and shame, and showing people that we are all human, and our human-ness is what makes us great. Heidi also offers up 3 of her top holiday tips for those who might have some anxiety about the upcoming season, and how boundaries and accountability are some of the non-negotiables in recovery.<br/><br/>Find Heidi here:<br/>IG: @heidibcoaching<br/>Website: https://www.heidibcoaching.com/ <br/>Book: https://www.heidibcoaching.com/relationship-ready <br/><br/>If you loved today's episode, please share your favorite takeaways by taking a screenshot of this episode and tagging @drafletcher on instagram!<br/><br/>CONNECT WITH DR.FLETCH<br/>Follow Dr. Fletch:<br/>@drafletcher<br/><br/>Visit the Dr. Fletch website:<br/>https://www.drfletch.com/<br/><br/>Disclaimer: The information shared on this podcast is not a substitute for therapy or any other form of professional mental health/medical care. Listening does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Fletcher. The information provided is for inspirational and educational purposes only. If you are looking to obtain mental health resources in your area, please call 1-800-950-NAMI. If you are experiencing a crisis or need help, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.