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All About Angels, with Nichole Bigley
In this episode of The Skeptical Shaman podcast, host Rachel White (of TOTEM Readings) sits down with Nichole Bigley of the incredible podcasts A Psychic's Story, Supernatural Matters, and A Psychic Story: Kids' Edition. <br/><br/>Nichole is also a psychic intuitive that has been I’ve been talking to angels her whole life. It started at a very early age when her memories of before being born on Earth suddenly returned. She is currently cowriting the book Looking for Angels: A Guide to Connecting with Angels in the hopes of putting more people in touch with their own angelic guides.<br/><br/>In this episode, we dispel the myths of the angelic realm and help folks figure out what angels are-- and what they're NOT (hint: it has a little something to do with toxic positivity and Precious Moments dolls).<br/><br/>Rachel and Nichole both share their early and very personal first encounters with angels, and how these experiences have shaped their psychic client work and broader lives. Long story short: angels are pretty high impact and basically change the trajectory of your whole life!<br/><br/>And, of course, we pull a card from the TOTEM Tarot Deck and it does NOT let us down! So, stay to the end-- that's where the good stuff is in any case;)<br/><br/>Nicole's links:<br/>Main podcast: https://www.apsychicsstory.com/<br/>Book: https://www.lookingforangelsbook.com/<br/>Supernatural podcast: https://www.supernaturalmatters.com/<br/>TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@apsychicsstory<br/>Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apsychicsstory/<br/>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APsychicsStory/<br/>Twitter: https://twitter.com/APsychicsStory<br/>YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQCHwljl03uxjvTUWQW8weQ<br/><br/>Rachel's links: https://linktr.ee/totemrach<br/>The TOTEM Tarot Deck: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578....980126?ref=myi_title