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All the Isms
This week James and Haley are talking about the aftermath of so many Trick-or-Treat events with the kids … Crossfit… and all the “ism’s” Wokeism, Ableism, Tribalism, Upside down Pineapple-ism… and more. You'll laugh, you may even cry, but you will always get the real deal from Team Jones… <br/><br/>There is also a very special Invite to a Live Podcast Taping at The Gardendale Public Library<br/><br/>Seating is limited, so click the RSVP Link (if you’re local) to reserve your seats! And you can also ask us to answer your questions. You'll laugh, you may even cry, but you will always get the real deal from Team Jones…You can find The RSVP "Straight Outta Prison Live: Reserve my Seat!" at:<br/>https://form.jotform.com/222828345382157<br/><br/>Subscribe to our YouTube Channel (It's 100% Free) More from James & Haley:Chef James K Jones WebsiteCooking with Chef James K Jones (YouTube Channel)Team Jones Camps Chef James K Jones InstagramTeam Jones Media Team Jones CoachingStraight Outta Prison InstagramThe Straight Outta Prison PodcastThe 4Real Reel PodcastNarrowing The Gap PodcastCooking Guides & Team Jones StoreCookbook by James K JonesPlease Support our Sponsors. They help us provide this content for free. Holloway Home Loans - Thomas Holloway -NMLS# 1985757<br/>thomas@hollowayhomeloans.com<br/>205-413-2858Hurst Towing and Recovery -Lynn & Debbie Hurst<br/>205-631-8697 (205-631-TOWS)<br/>https://hursttowing.com/<br/><br/>Home & Commercial Services<br/>Call or text 205-798-0635<br/>email office@hollandhcs.com<br/>Instagram Home & Commercial ServicesCrossfit Mephobia - Hayden Setser<br/>CrossFitmephobiainfo@gmail.com<br/>256-303-1873<br/>https://www.instagram.com/crossfitmephobia/<br/><br/>Dana Belcher - RE/MAX Advantage North<br/>Website: theiconagents.com<br/>email: danabelcheragent@gmail.com<br/>Call or text 205-910-3358 Support the show