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America's Game Episode 8 - Devastating Injuries And Under The Radar Stars Trade Scenarios
Eric Vanek (@EricVanekNFL),Adam @(atm4dchess), and Mike (@Iowamichael) are back in the saddle this week and we talk about the horrible injuries to Nick Chubb and Aaron Rodgers. The dynasty football world doesn’t stop for injuries so we talk about what we’re doing with both of those players, also the hot upstart players this year and what were doing with them trade wise. Puka Nacua, Kyren Williams, James Cook. How are we handling trades with those players right now. A lot of great discussion as always, make sure to follow @AmericasGamePod on Twitter!www.mindworped.com is LIVE and Dynasty MindWoRPed is available!!!!!!Make sure to check out our new website! https://www.southharmonff.com/ We have an incredible WoRP tool which pulls WoRP from all of your sleeper leagues. And if you want South Harmon merch check out the store! https://www.southharmonff.com/storehttps://www.patreon.com/SouthHarmon if you want your deals featured on this show! We'd love to break your deal down!