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Answering Your Most UNCOMFORTABLE Questions
Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at https://tiege.com/tdbsansweringIn todays episode we play a card game created by "Were Really Not Strangers" to test our loyalty and friendship and answering some very uncomfortable questions⏲TIMECODES:0:00 - Intro + Welcome Back !3:08 - When Do You Think I’m In My Element5:08 - One Small Detail You Remember When We First Met6:49 - Describe My Ideal Roommate8:09 - Should We Get Matching Tattoos?15:30 - One Thing I’ve Done To Make You Feel Loved18:45 - What Do You Wish I Could See In Myself21:54 - Thank You For Being Understanding Of My…26:32 - Inside Jokes30:10 - How Did We All Meet56:20 Body Count57:50 Most Important Qualities In A Friend1:00:47 - Open Relationships1:13:19 - Outro + Thanks For Watching