Are you inadvertently prolonging your emotional struggle?

0 Views· 06/19/23
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In Drama

In this Self-Coaching podcast, I respond to an email from a listener outlining her long-standing emotional struggles with explosive anger, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. I'm introducing a new format of responding to specific questions sent to me in order to provide you with a real-life application of Self-Coaching. I hope to give you a more direct glimpse as to how Self-Coaching can be applied directly to specific struggles. Whether it’s anger, depression, anxiety, or hopelessness, the path to liberation isn’t as complicated as you may think. WANT SOME SELF-COACHING ADVICE? If you would like me to respond to your specific struggle in an upcoming podcast, you can email me at,, or through the ‘contact’ section of my website: Of course, your identifying information will be kept anonymous. Please note that my podcasts are not meant to be a substitute for clinical intervention; they are meant to be educational and informative.

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