Are You on Trial?

1 Views· 08/17/23
In Manga

The Gospel is unfettered!Paul’s defense:His Innocence with a clear conscience –The chief priest is an example of sin and the law being abused.Why did he order Paul to be hit?For pronouncing the Devine name, speaking out of turn, or claiming a clear conscience?The testimony of Jesus resurrection and thus the Messiah of Israel?How did Jesus see his witness? Both to the mob and now to the Sanhedrin? – take it to Rome!The importance of the resurrection at the center of our witness? (See Athens and here)This is the key to a relationship with God in a whole new way, not available in any religion!              Are we hoping to go to heaven, so we believe?            Or do we believe, and the result is the gift of eternal life?             Are we keen to be with Jesus, or are we afraid of death?What are the responses to this declaration of the Gospel?  They are universal to our day as well:We do not believe in life after death.We believe that there is life after death, but Jesus is not central to that.The Pharisees have a wait and see attitude.They align themselves with the legalists.They reject Jesus as the Savior.We believe in Jesus and live our life in relationship with him!

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