Astros Voice Bill Brown on Baseball's Bizarre Season, Jose Lima, Yogi Berra, Billy Wagner & Kerfeld
Host Robert Land asks 30 Year Astros voice Bill Brown about his new book 'Baseball's Bizarre Season', the '22 Championship & fun stories with Astros characters Jose Lima, Yogi Berra, Billy Wagner, Charlie Kerfeld & Larry Andersen. (1:00) Story behind Baseball's Bizarre Season(2:46) Cardinals Mgr Johnny Keane's Houston connection(4:13) Tim McCarver, Bob Uecker, Tim McCarver, Jack Buck & Harry Caray Broadcasters connection to '64 Cards(6:25) Surprising details of '64 season?(7:40) Thoughts on Astros '22 Championship(8:35) Brown's book on Altuve(10:40) Memories of Yogi Berra's Astros years(13:35) Charlie Kerfeld Jello story(14:30) Larry Andersen airport prank(15:30) Jose Lima & his band(17:50) Billy Wagner memories(20:10) Why did Caminiti get in Astros HOF?Subscribe on Youtube, Spotify, Apple, iHeart & GoogleTiktok @HoustonSportsTalkRobertX @HSTPodcast #astros #billywagner #joselima #bobuecker #jackbuck #cardinals