August 1st 23: Lionsgate • Astronomy • Herstory

0 Views· 08/01/23
the Sacred Door Bitch
the Sacred Door Bitch
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Podcast August 1st Lionsgate • Astronomy • HerstoryA bit choppy / amateur but like me - it’s a work in progress… From Deck of RA guidebook: Astrology vs Astronomy(available to have and to hold next month!)Astronomy is galactic, a constant and universal – it is the science of the movement and interaction of the stars, planets and constellations, it is dynamicAstrology is from the Construct, it is fixed and tethered to a calendar that is out of sync with the natural rhythm and flow of ‘universal time’For example, in astrology the Sun is said to move into a different sign at regular annual ‘dates’ for example Leo is 23rdJuly to 22rd August.In Astronomy, the Sun actually enters the constellation of Leo on the 11th Aug this year (2022), a marked difference in ‘timeframes’. If you choose to create a portal, a bridge, a place of intersection / interface, an overlap into / with another constellation that is coming into alignment with ours, which would you choose as your source for navigation and authenticity?An astronomical reference that is affiliated with natural actual rhythm and flow on which the organic multiverse revolves and evolves orA date / time from an installed program / calendar that obscures the truth about our connection to and place in the cosmos, more often than not set to harness your devotion and ritual energy diverting it for different purposes to that which it was originally intendedHave a mindful ‘Lions Gate Portal’ every 8th of the 8th… Im getting my act together with the forum – its going to be on the site: so check in and see whats happening with it or join the mail list for the heads up Insta has the pretty pictures @vickveraneseLook forward to connecting againXV

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