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Azure Minerals (AZS) - New, and Ancient, Global Nickel Discovery
Azure Minerals Limited is an Australia-based mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on exploration and development of its portfolio of precious and base metal projects in Mexico. Its projects include the Andover Nickel-Copper Project, Turner River Gold Project, Coongan Gold Project, Barton Gold Project and Meentheena Gold Project. The Andover Nickel-Copper Project is located approximately 35 kilometers southeast of Karratha and immediately south of the town of Roebourne. The Turner River Gold Project consists of two exploration license applications covering approximately 450 square kilometers located south of Port Hedland. The Coongan Gold Project is located in the eastern Pilbara, approximately eight kilometers to the west of Nullagine, and covers an area of 141 square kilometers. The Meentheena Gold Project is located in the eastern Pilbara, approximately 80 kilometers east of Marble Bar, and covers an area of 223 square kilometers.