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Back Track 006: Initiative comes to thems that wait. | A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Well...we're here. It's literally Jai's favorite film and she's been on edge waiting until we talked it here on the pod. It has been at least 20 years since I've seen this so it was a weird wild time revisiting it. In my previous watch I had no idea just how incredible the cinematography and production design was. While it's been inspiring creatives since the 70s, there is always something about the original that has to been seen. While me and Jai had differing views on the film as a whole, we still had a time! We get into the MANY behind the scenes deets, the FASHION, and just the overall weirdness that makes Kubrick a master and visionary of the visual arts. ----Get OVER 80 BONUS episodes on 90s & 00s TV and culture (Freaks & Geeks, My So Called Life, Buffy, 90s culture documentaries, and more movies...) and to support the show, join the PATREON for $5 a month! www.patreon.com/fashiongrungeHosts: Lauren @lauren_melanie & Jai @jai_stylefactoryFollow Fashion Grunge PodcastInstagram @fashiongrungepodTwitter @fgrungepodLetterboxd Fashion Grunge PodcastTikTok @fashiongrungepod