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Behind the Mask: Epilogue
The Rejects talk about the game, things they like and don't like about the system, and fill us in on what happens to the characters after the startling discovery on the mountain.<br/><br/>We are going to be at NOVA Open! Wesley, Joseph, and Damian will be running games between August 30th and September3rd! Find out more at www.novaopen.com<br/><br/>Make sure to check out our website at roleplayrejects.com.<br/><br/>Roleplay Rejects is in no way affiliated with Studio Agate. If you would like to purchase Shadows of Esteren, please visit portal.esteren.org/en, drivethruRPG.com, or your local game store.<br/><br/>Additionally, the background music for this episode was composed and arranged by Cyrille and Guillaume Aufaure specifically for Shadows of Esteren! These soundtracks can be found on the Shadows of Esteren website. This episode featured:<br/>"Recovery" - Rise - Esteren<br/><br/>And the outro song is:<br/>"Eoghan" - Dearg - EsterenSupport the show