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Bisexuality, DEI, & Strategic Intentionality
Today I am joined by Victoria Pelletier and we have an enlightening conversation about bisexuality and DEI engagement. Victoria is a woman who lives out loud and is a pivotal advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in workplaces and the LGBTQIA + community. Victoria doesn’t love the use of labels as she believes sexual identity is ever-evolving and there are many layers to figure out. As a woman who identifies as queer, Victoria discusses the many misunderstanding of what it means to be bisexual and how it looks within the queer community. Also discussed in this episode is the importance of creating DEI workplaces, using strategic intentionality. Strategic intentionality is hiring and inviting diversity into the workforce, which allows people to show up as their whole selves in the workplace. Join Heather and Victoria as they discuss the ways to be accepting, inclusive, and an ally. Do not miss these highlights:00:01 – Introduction to today’s topic02:23 – LGBTQIA+ E-book03:21 – Introduction to Victoria05:14 – Victoria’s Story09:22– Victoria’s perspective on bisexuality11:28 – The misunderstandings and other views on bisexuality 14:10 – “It’s all about acceptance and inclusion”17:28 – We all need to come together19:00 – Victoria explains what DEI is23:02 – What possible steps toward DEI that needs to be taken26:40 – DEI theories for companies can also translate to building community28:33 – Where Victoria sees the Queer community will be in 10 years from now31:42 – The notion of hope33:32 – LGBTQ & A segment Work with Heather:Have a question for Heather? Call 847-448-1212, leave a message, and tune into future episodes to hear her answer!! Website: https://chrysalismama.comFor e-book: https://learnwith.chrysalismama.com/bookWork with me: https://chrysalismama.com/work-with-me/Magic Mind Info:I’d love for you to join me. Remember, you can get 20% off your entire purchase using the code BREATHE14. All the details are in the show notes and all over social media! And remember to tag #14daysofmagic to help save the Amazon!LGBTQ&A links:The first is The Trevor Project’s TrevorSpace (https://www.thetrevorproject.o....rg/visit-trevorspace It is moderated by trained professionals while also allowing space for kids to connect. The second is Spaces, which is for older teens and young adults, but with the same premise – a safe platform where queer people can connect without fear of harassment. https://www.queerspaces.com/ About our guest:Victoria is a 20+ year Corporate Executive and Board Director – she is currently a Managing Director at Accenture. Nicknamed the “Turn Around Queen” by former colleagues and employers, Victoria inspires and empowers her team and clients to change mindsets and drive growth in business, leadership, and culture.As someone who does not subscribe to the status quo, she is always ready for new challenges becoming one of the youngest Chief Operating Officers at the age of 24, a president by 35, and a CEO by age 41. Victoria was recognized as a Top 50 Business Leader in Technology by Insight Magazine in 2021 and a Mentor of the Year by Women in Communications & Technology in 2020. HSBC bank