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Bonus Episode: Interview with Billy Milligan's Family Members Kathy and Amber
Join Dave and Greg as they revisit the Billy Milligan episode, and view the story through the lens of someone who was there. Billy’s sister Kathy and her Daughter Amber join us from their podcast “Family Drama” and we discuss what it was like growing up in a house filled with unrelenting, horrific trauma. We also discuss how books, documentaries, and ….podcasts…get many elements of the story wrong. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did. Follow Modern Therapist’s Guide to Nothing on social media:<br/>Instagram: @moderntherapistsguidetonothing<br/>Twitter: @MTGN_Podcast<br/><br/><br/>Intro and Outro music by 13th Ward Social Club<br/>Follow on Instagram at @13thwardsocialclub and visit https://www.13thwardsocialclub.com/