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Boundaries -- Why They Are So Hard To Manage
On this transmission we discuss the most important variable that we must consider when moving from insecure attachments to becoming secure individuals-- Boundaries-- and why we generally suck at them.
Not getting this right virtually guarantees a life where we feel unsafe and alone.
Grab a pen, you'll get a chance to rate yourself on the 7 types of Boundaries, so you can identify what you are needing to work on to safeguard your relationships-- including the one with yourself.
Upcoming Masterclass "SHOULD I STAY OR GO?" Live Event (Every month)
If you’re stuck in limbo, in repetitive relationship patterns, same arguments, attracting the same patterns, and you want to gain the clarity, confidence, and Courage to create secure relationships
https://drnima.com/lp/should-i....-stay-or-go/?sl=tran "Breathwork and Badassery" Live Event (Every month)
Regulate Your stress, deepen your connection to your inner child, process your stuck emotions and improve your capacity
https://go.drnima.com/bbvw?sl=....transistor-podcastUp Overview Experience Virtual Event (Every month)
Dissolve your current relationship resentment, heal your attachment wounds, resolve your past and bring clarity to your next step.
https://go.drnima.com/oevw?sl=transistor-podcastOr if you are wanting to hop on a call and discuss how we can support you through your transition and you're wanting deeper guidance on your healing journey and you're ready to break the cycle of inter-generational trauma (divorce, separation, relationship limbo, past trauma spilling into present)
https://drnima.com/discovery/a....pplication/?sl=trans my Facebook Group to help you understand yourself, control your triggers, regulate your nervous system and know what's keeping you stuck in these times of crisis:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/triggerproofAre you on Telegram? Click link below to join my channel for some TriggerProof wisdom to keep your nervous system regulated, your soul in your body, and your heart aligned with your purpose.