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Bryan Laverty of Huntaphobia Canada and Nando of PTTP Join Us !
On this episode of Talking With The Source Bryan Laverty of Huntaphobia Canada and Nando Desario of Portal To The Paranormal join us for a riveting conversation from everything about the paranormal field to theories about the afterlife! Don’t forget to join us live every week on Facebook at Talking With The Source, Parapost Network on FB as well as Paralanx Plus on FB!Visit Talking With The Source on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook Now!YouTube:https://youtube.com/channel/UC....KmCf9h7Tad1tCf-JYZoS Sponsored by:The Paranormal United Network-Paralanks Plus on Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/PUNMediaPlus/Para post-Network Central on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/parap....ostnetwork/Website:P app is available for Android and IOS Now!10-day Global Ghost Hunt 2023 Event! Register below!Global Ghost Hunt-Global Ghost Hunt – Do you dare to join?