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Building Wealth & Legacies with Jennifer Rogers Markwell
Jennifer Rogers Markwell knows how much life can unleash unexpected waves and powerful winds - that may or may not work in your favor. You see, Jennifer also has her own money story to share and has had her fair share of navigating through sudden financial uncertainties. But it’s through overcoming her own money blocks that she discovered her greatest calling – to empower and guide others to rise above their old money stories. So, if you’ve been looking for some sage advice on how to uplevel your money know-how, you’ll love Jennifer Rogers Markwell!
Meet The Guest:
Jennifer's journey exemplifies transforming passion into a purpose-driven business. Originally working in television news, Jennifer Rogers Markwell, saw an opportunity to educate women on finances after assisting her grandmother after the loss of her grandfather.
She founded Platinum Wealth Management in 2005 to fill the market need for female-focused financial guidance. Through educational workshops and her Platinum Talks Wealth podcast, Jennifer inspires other amazing women to take charge of investments and long-term planning. She tailors her approach to her client's lifestyle goals and helps them build confidence when it comes to taking control of their wealth.
Beyond her growing business, Jennifer’s impact extends from professional mentorship to advocacy on women's issues as she serves as a State Commissioner for the Nevada Commission for Women and volunteers on the board for Girls Scouts of the Sierra Nevada.
Her determination, compassion for others, and dedication to a higher purpose have allowed her to grow both her business and social influence. Be sure to tune in as Jennifer shares her thoughts + best practices on how we can become more motivated to take charge of our financial future!--------------
DISCLAIMER:This podcast is sponsored by AskYvi.com. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
--------------π Meet Guest:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenn....iferrogersmarkwell/W https://www.platinumwealth.net/
--------------πConnect with Yvi
--------------π Highlights π
00:00 | Introduction02:18 | Handling Life’s Challenges With Financial Literacy 06:58 | The Importance of Legacy Planning09:59 | Breaking Old Mindsets and Empowering Others 15:32 | Focusing on Your Well-Being For Productivity
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