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Bursting at the Seams: Aesthetics, Sustainability and Self-Expression
The clothes we wear day in and day out can impact our sense of self-worth, or become a fundamental form of self-expression. From books to online personas to restaurants, we can’t help but cultivate an aesthetic. This episode of Meat and Three is all about what we wear and what it communicates to the world around us. Connect with artist Lotte Ooms on instagram or via her website. Discover all things Morgan Lynzi on her instagram or her website.If you want to hear the rest of Christine’s conversation with Dr. Morgaine Gaye, check out episode 439 of HRN on Tour. If you want to hear the rest of John’s conversation with Clara Kirkpatrick, or the other 6 episodes in the series, subscribe to Eat Your Words Presents: Saved by the Bellini wherever you get your podcasts.Heritage Radio Network is a listener supported nonprofit podcast network. Keep Meat and Three on the air: become an HRN Member today! Go to heritageradionetwork.org/donate. Meat and Three is Powered by Simplecast.