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Chocolate Slip & Slide
In this Pride Month episode, host Cassandra Ryder interviews friend and Ph.D. student colleague Carsyn Endres (she/her) about some of her bad date stories. Listen to find out why it’s never ok to yell at a barista, how going down a chocolate slip and slide can lead to a bowling date, and how the Book of Mormon and salvation found its way into many of Carsyn’s date experiences. Along the way, Cassandra and Carsyn discuss communication concepts such as intercultural communication, uncertainty reduction theory, and conflict management.If you have a bad date story and would like to have it anonymously featured and analyzed on a future episode, please email it to thedateescapepodcast@gmail.comPlease consider leaving a rating and review for this podcast wherever you listen, as it helps this podcast reach a larger audience. Thank you in advance for your feedback!Sponsor: Aged & InfusedPodcast website: The Date Escape Podcast