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Chris Berman Interview
In this episode of Circling the Wagons, we talk with National Sportscasting icon, Chris Berman aka Boomer aka The Swami to talk Buffalo Bills with us. We discuss his roots in broadcasting, how he came up with nicknames for players of all sports, how he came up with his famous catch phrase "Nobody Circles the Wagons like the Buffalo Bills" how his affinity for Buffalo came about, what the city, team and fan means to him, and much more! Listen now and Go Bills! If you like our show, tell a friend and spread the word! Email us questions, comments, or Bills stories: ctwpod@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter: @CTWpod Like us on Facebook: Circling the Wagons: A Buffalo Bills Podcast Follow us on Instagram: CTWpod Check out our TeePublic Bills Store Get $125 for every $100 you deposit for Football @ the Best Betting Site on the Internet