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Clairvoyant Medium & Host Of The Show “The Angel Rock w/ Lorilei”,Lorilei Potvin Live”
On this Halloween Special Episode we had on Lorilei Potvin Clairvoyant Medium, Host of The Angel Rock and much much more!Bio for Lorilei PotvinLorilei Potvin a Canadian Clairvoyant Medium, Crystal Reiki Master/Energy Healer, Akashic Records Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher/Mentor, Internet Radio Host/Podcaster, Humanitarian Activist & Registered Nurse. She is also very knowledgeable about The Paranormal, having lived in an extremely haunted Home for 11 + years. Lorilei has shared her story on The Travel Channel’s “Paranormal Survivor”, in Season 4, Episode 9, called “Demonic Hauntings”(here’s a link to the Episode: https://youtu.be/OkoOcAL-FegLorilei’s show is called “The Angel Rock”, LIVE on Monday Nights on United Public Radio Network or UPRN, out of New Orleans, Louisiana, from 5pm-7pm CST/6pm-8pm EST. It can be seen LIVE-STREAMED from My YouTube channel below(My Business Page:https://www.facebook.com/TheAngelRockMy YouTube channel: https://www.YouTube.com/c/TheA....ngelRockWithLorileiP