Climate Quickie: How we can stop deep-sea mining before it begins

7 Views· 06/15/23
Climate Curious
Climate Curious
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In July 2023, deep-sea mining will ramp up across the world. It’s been proposed, and opposed, for decades. Climate Curious speaks to Belgian climate activist Adélaïde Charlier about her work as part of the #LookDown campaign to stop this, and how you can support her cause to explore, not exploit, our deep sea oceans.Resources:<br />Follow Adélaïde Charlier on Instagram<br />Follow Look Down on Instagram<br />Follow Hero on Instagram<br />Support climate activists like Adélaïde via the Hero app <br /><br />Follow Climate Curious:<br />Newsletter<br />Instagram<br />Twitter<br />LinkedIn<br />FacebookSuggest a topic  you’d like Climate Curious to cover

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