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Coast Guard Camaraderie And Community Outreach - With Chief Michael Gould
In this episode of the "Coast To Coasties" Podcast, I'm sitting down with my good friend Reservist Chief Boatswain Mate, Michael Gould, on our travel back from a high school community outreach event where we talk about the unique camaraderie gained in the military service as well as the importance of community awareness and outreach about what the Coast Guard is, and what we do as an organization. Chief Gould has had a career spanning from the Navy, Army National Guard, Several Fortune 500 Companies, and finally ended up in the Coast Guard where he and I share a passion to inform communities how awesome of a career we have and to give people an opportunity to learn about a paths they may have not known existed to them prior to meeting us. I am thrilled to have an hour to discuss these topics and much more on this exciting episode! I encourage everyone listening to get out in their communities and help make people aware of the Coast Guard and all the cool stuff we do in our very unique work lifestyles!