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Cocktail Hour: Food Trucks and Family Issues - Chef (2014) Movie Recap and Review
It's not beer, its cerveza! We're back with another foodie film recap and review as we talk Chef, Jon Favreau's 2014 passion project that follows Carl Casper a chef who, after embarrassing himself in an online flame war to a food critic, loses his job at a popular L.A. restaurant and begins to operate a food truck with his young son on a cross country road trip. It's a comedy drama with not only a lot of a heart but also plenty of gratuitously sexy food shots to go around. So order up a cuban sandwich, pop yourself a beer, and tune is as Carlos, Dylan, John and Joy bring the Miami heat of El Jefe's Cubanos straight to your ears. This is Cocktail Hour: Chef (2014) Recap and Review! Support the show on Patreon for access to unedited episodes, exclusive shows, and more! Find us at patreon.com/mouthfulpod<br/><br/>Want more TWYMF content? You can check us out on our social media accounts for behind-the-scenes videos, pictures from the episodes, cocktail recipes, listener polls, and much more!<br/><br/>Twitter: @Mouthfulpod<br/>TikTok: TalkWithYourMouthful<br/>Instagram: mouthful_pod<br/>Threads: mouthful_pod