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Converse University Music Happenings with Susie LaLama and Keith Jones
In this show, we learn about the goings on at the Petrie School of Music at Converse University. Susie talks about the various ensembles and events at Converse and Keith talks about the upcoming concert with the Spartanburg Master Chorale - When Memory Fades. <br/><br/>The Petrie School of Music and the Alzheimer’s Association of South Carolina present When Memory Fades, a concert for Alzheimer’s awareness by the Spartanburg Master Chorale. Featuring the moving oratorio Alzheimer’s Stories by Robert Cohen, this work grapples with this devastating disease while offering hope, love, and music to those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, those whose loved-ones struggle with it, and the caregivers who provide kindness and dignity for their patients.Thursday, November 17 at 7:30PM in Twichell Auditorium, this event is free and open to the public. Valet parking will be provided for those requiring assistance.More information on Converse events can be found here:<br/><br/>https://www.converse.edu/about/community/cultural-events/<br/><br/><br/>Learn more about the Spartanburg Master Chorale here:<br/><br/>https://www.facebook.com/spartanburgfestivalchorus/<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>#ConverseUniversity<br/>#PetrieSchoolOf Music<br/>#WhenMemoryFades<br/>#GospartanburgWe would love it if you would leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts. <br/><br/>Our website is www.gospartanburg.us.<br/><br/>Follow our Facebook page and join our group for more info about new episodes.<br/><br/>https://www.facebook.com/gospartanburgpod<br/><br/>We would love to hear from you. Email us at gospartanburg@gmail.com.<br/><br/>#Spartanburg<br/>#South Carolina<br/>#upstatesc