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Copenhagen Calling with Ben Quam & Charles Awad
The boys are back in town, and they're celebrating THREE YEARS OF LFE! Ben and Charles are newly returned from their first out of town adventure together (yes, ever-ever), and they made it count with a wildly memorable trip to Europe for LFE summer break. Hear our guys tell you all about dining at legendary places like Noma (and Ben's agonizing story about that meal), Geranium and Jordnær, making lots of new friends and more deeply bonding with existing ones, sunrise bridge beers and late night shawarma (and a HOT SAUCE SLUSHY MACHINE), the alley with the mysterious neon finch, and continuing their respective journeys in Sweden and France, respectively. PLUS: a big huge announcement about the pod. Here's the context for the conquest (feel welcome to contextualize these to any trip you may have taken, if yer playing along!): 🍓 What's something new you learned about FLAVORZ? 😹 Name a hilarious moment from your adventures that you'll remember for a long time. ⛵️ Ya can't do it all! What's something you wish you had done or will do next time? ✋ The five senses: name your fav thing you tasted, smelled, heard, saw and felt.❗️ What was the thing you found most surprising about your adventures? 🎂 THREE YEARS OF LFE! What's something you look back on with fondness?Summer break might be over, but summer is just getting started! Let's rage. This ep of LFE is proudly presented by Plift. High on taste. Low on calories. Plift is a delicious hemp-infused beverage for any occasion — social, solo, and anywhere in between.Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:Copenhagen Distillery Mulberry Rose AquavitCarlsberg PilsnerFIND USFacebook | Instagram