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Declutter Your Life
Christine Zmuda visits with entrepreneur and Professional Home Organizer Lisa Malone. (Lisa-malone.com). Lisa channeled her passion for living in organized spaces into a luxury, concierge-style organizing business, specializing in luxury closet organizing. In this episode, listeners will:Understand the social, mental and physical benefits of being better organized.Learn about how Lisa moved from a corporate role to not only running her own business but also lifting the visibility of other businesses. Great listen for anyone considering taking a step in a new direction. Hear about how the lives of Lisa's clients benefitted from pretty interesting ways as well as a bit about how men and women approach getting organized differently. Resources for more information:Lisa's free get organized guide and services for hire can be found at Https://lisa-malone.com If you offer services for the home, Lisa invites you to register your business at https://www.inhomeboutiquespaces.com/ or if you are a customer looking for home services check out this vendor list.For Lisa's "You have Arrived" course . This is a self paced course that you can do from anywhere to jumpstart your better organized life - You Have Arrived | Closet Organizing and Style Transformation | Online Course.