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Design shapes how people judge you
In this episode, I explore the influence of design and how it shapes the way others perceive your brand. I'm diving into the impact of good and bad design choices, discussing the psychology behind visual elements and their role in shaping perception. Learn about the f-ups when neglecting the design thinking process, and the consequences of overlooking its importance in today's visually-driven world. Listen in to learn how to implement design strategies to attract and draw in your people.Visit https://youroneandonly.com.au/ <br/>Follow YO&O on IG https://www.instagram.com/youroneandonly_au/<br/>Follow Tara on IG https://www.instagram.com/iamtaraladd/<br/>Connect with Tara on https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarajoyladd/<br/>Sign up for our email list here