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Discipleship | How to Share Your Faith with a Non-Believer | Let Me Tell You About My Jesus - Part 2
HOW TO SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH A NON-BELIEVER <br/>Let Me Tell You About My Jesus – Part 2 <br/>Dr. Jessica Fernandez, Lead Associate Pastor <br/>June 11, 2023 <br/><br/>Each of us has a story of what God has done in our lives. In this sermon, we will explore the significance and power of personal testimonies in sharing our faith with non-believers. Our individual stories are unique and serve as powerful tools to showcase the transforming work of God in our lives. In Apostle Paul's example in Acts 26, we will discover how to share our testimonies effectively and authentically. We can embrace our unique stories to share them boldly, knowing that God can use our testimonies to touch hearts and bring others into the light of faith. <br/><br/>SERIES | Let Me Tell You About My Jesus<br/>In this dynamic sermon series, Let Me Tell You About My Jesus, we will explore the vital role of everyday evangelism in various aspects of our lives. We will focus on four essential themes: work, telling our story, breaking cultural divides, and evangelizing in a broken world. Join us as we discover how to effectively live out our faith and share the transformative power of the Gospel in our daily interactions. We will be inspired and encouraged to live out our faith boldly, allowing God to use us as agents of change in our workplaces, communities, and beyond. Together, let us embrace the call to everyday evangelism and participate in God's redemptive work in the world. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What are some of your reasons for being hesitant or not sharing your testimony with non-believers? Are these reasons justified? What could you do to address each of these reasons? 2. Has there been a time when God used someone else’s testimony to minister to your life? What was that experience like and how did it make you feel? 3. Following Paul’s example, do you have a testimony prepared to share with others? If you don’t, you should prepare it prayerfully! If you do have it prepared, you should share it with your group. https://www.springcreekchurch.....org/#realspringcreek #letmetellyouaboutmyjesus #shareyourfaith #nonbelievers #testimony #story #seedsoffaith