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Dog, I Lived at Warped Tour 2011 with Lindsey Adler and Tom Ley
Wall Street Journal’s Lindsey Alder joins Roth and guest host Defector EIC Tom Ley to talk deliberately and calmly about August baseball. Of course, the first half is about noted modern emo enthusiast and Met Pete Alonzo, which is exactly the story we want. Plus a remembering a Guy (the chocolate sauce on this chocolate ice cream) and diving into the Funbag!<br /> Do you want to hear your question answered on the pod? Well, give us a call at 909-726-3720. That is 909-PANERA-0!<br /> Stuff We Talked About- The Pool Kids Pete Alonzo tweet<br /> Sponsor- Ravensburger CreArt, a new paint-by-numbers experience! Shop on Amazon, their website, or your local art supply store.<br /> Credits- Hosts: David Roth & Tom Ley- Producer: Eric Silver- Editor: Brandon Grugle- Production Services & Ads: Multitude- Subscribe to Defector!<br /> About The ShowFrom Defector Media: Former Deadspin writers Drew Magary and David Roth should really stick to sports. Sure, their new indie sports podcast will break down the week in sports: the Mets grounding into quadruple plays, NBA players getting testy on the court and horny on Instagram, Bill Belichick cutting 80% of his roster just to keep himself interested, horrifying takes from sports talk radio that need to be broken down, etc. But these two men and their guests will have their fair share of off-the-field issues they’ll also have to address: stupid Funbag questions, bad tweets from bad people, pointless food arguments, and even less. Every week is a VERY long week these days. We could all use a little Distraction. Head to defector.com for more info.