Downing gin & tonics during virtual work meetings
It's a Double Way Wednesday- with Ula from United Way of Central VA & Nichole from Humankind "Ways to Work" program!I was rendered virtually "speechless" for a moment, after learning how many folks the Humankind Ways to Work program have helped!!!Learn more: find out about the United Way 5K on the Runway race coming up!!! Congratulations to the United Way of Central VA for reaching $1 Million of their $1.6 Million goal!!! Learn more: A Quarter of People Will Bet on the Super Bowl This Year, and More People Are Betting on the Chiefs!!! And Our TOPLIST- Top Most Popular Bets for This Year's Super Bowl74% of People Say It's "Not Acceptable" to Guzzle Gin & Tonics During a Virtual Work Meeting!!! Here's What a 30-Second Super Bowl Ad Costs??? And DoorDash is Giving Away Every Single Thing Advertised during the Big Game- EVERYTHING!!!Also enjoy- 5 Random Facts, NOT Headline News, AudioVault, Stoopid Criminalz, & The Good News!Listen Live Weekday Mornings 8-11 Eastern Follow @themikeshowva Watch our FB Live Videos Text MIKE to 85775 Join our VIP Experience!