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Dr. Christinea Chambreau: How to Detect Early Health Warning Signs in Your Cat | E6
This week's episode of the Pet Care Report is brought to you by the Pet Anxiety Summit. Go behind the scenes with 21+ world-leading veterinarians and pet Care Experts who will share how to reduce and even eliminate your pet's anxiety so they can live a calmer, happier life.
You won't want to miss it... It's FREE (for a limited time). From September 18 - 22, 2023. Get YOUR FREE Ticket Here
In this week’s Natural Cat Health podcast episode, our host, Dr. Meghan Barrett, talks with Dr. Christina Chambreau, a holistic veterinarian, about building vitality and maintaining balance in cats. She discusses the signs of a cat that has an unbalanced energy field. Finally, she shares many energy healing techniques like reiki, earthing, and more.
Show Notes:
(00:01:37) Strategies For Building Vitality and Maintaining Balance in Cats
(00:13:32) Holistic Actions For Healthy Pets Academy
(00:21:50) Signs of Unbalanced Energy Field in Cats
(00:26:05) Energy Healing Medicine
(00:27:27) Emotional Freedom Technique
(00:29:59) Reiki
(00:32:51) Earthing or Grounding
(00:33:48) The Best Diet For Cats
(00:35:29) ‘BEAM’ and Vaccines
Follow Dr. Christina Chambreau:
Follow our Cat Health Host, Dr. Meghan Barrett, here: https://drbarrettvet.com.
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