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Dr. Petra Sdrinko | On Love, Oneness & True Independence
“I’m beginning to grasp that even though I’ve done this work for 30 years there is so much more to discover.”Today my friend Dr. Petra Sdrinko reminds us to always stay true to our real questions. She’s freed herself of any romantic idea about relationships, life and the world in general. She now lives in India and enjoys keeping the legacy of her Guru alive and accessible for all those deserving souls who are yet to meet THE Guru…and this is my favorite bit while doing as little as possible.➖ Looking for the answer to ‘what is God’?➖ Knowing your perfect when you let go of identification➖ What Guru represents➖ The drama of falling in love as a sadhak➖ Importance of doing as little as possibleAnd more! Such a delightful conversation with a lot of joy and laughter. It’s my wish that you take away a spark of inspiration for your journey.With love and oneness,BobbiThanks for listening, you beautiful soul!💭 If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple podcasts – it really, really helps the show reach more people, plus I love reading each one.💭Never miss a new episode and subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favorite platform.💭 Share your biggest takeaway on Instagram stories – just be sure to tag @bobbipaidel so we can connect💭 If you’d like to chat about the show, offer feedback or be a guest, please get in touch.💭 To learn more about how to work with me privately, my courses, workshops and retreats, or to get instant access to my free 7 day course for cultivating a Self yoga practice go to www.bobbipaidel.com/build-your-self-practice and enjoy! 🙏♥️✨