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E 4.7 - The Know-How via Know-Who of Social Capital with Julie Heath
For today’s episode, we make our way to Indianapolis, Indiana, to talk to Julie Heath, Vice President of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.
Julie was the first employee at a startup, then executive director at Indiana’s first collaborative workspace, the Speak Easy, and now serves as a statewide ecosystem builder under the Secretary of Commerce of Indiana.
Julie shares how she and her team spread the ecosystem gospel among economic developers and gives us a new way to think about social capital that the Indianapolis ecosystem has embraced: Know How via Know Who.
Let’s go to Indianapolis.
Listen to the full episode to hear:
Why Julie says “know-how via know-who” is the secret sauce of building healthy ecosystems
How a personal conflict with her husband challenged Julie’s vision
The challenges of scale in distributing game-changing smaller sums to founders
How distilling problem sets helps resolve conflict
How Julie has leveraged old trust networks to build new trust in her various roles
Learn More About Julie Heath:
Connect with Julie on LinkedIn
Entrepreneurship Indiana Yearbook
Learn More About Anika Horn:
Website: www.socialventurers.com
Instagram: SocialVenturers
Newsletter: Sign up for Impact Curator
Developer Town
the Speak Easy
1Million Cups Indy
Hidden Brain: Relationships 2.0: How To Keep Conflict From Spiraling.
ESHIP Summit
Startup Champions Network
Entrepreneurship Building Leadership Project
Kauffman Foundation: EPOP: Understanding Entrepreneurship in the U.S.
The Rainforest Blueprint
The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley, Victor Hwang and Greg Horowitt
Amandula Anderson
Strategic Doing, Ed Morrison
The Power of Giving Away Power: How the Best Leaders Learn to Let Go, Matthew Barzun
Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Smarter, Alex Pentland