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E127: Elemental, Secret Invasion E3, Silo
As Secret Invasion reaches the halfway point, last week we discussed how it would be crucial for the series to start heating up this week. Did Episode 3 do so? Ger and Dan Lynam are back to discuss. With a slew of movies like Air, Tetris, Blackberry and Flamin' Hot being released this year about people inventing things, Ger looks to get ahead of the game by putting together some trailers for what could be next. Plus reviews of new movies Elementals, Insidious: The Red Door and Smoking Causes Coughing plus Apple TV Plus' new show, Silo. Continue the conversation by following us on socials @Page180Pod on Instagram and TikTok, while you can follow Ger directly on Twitter. Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 00:33 - Pitch trailers for more movies about stuff being invented 03:51 - MOVIE REVIEW: Elementals 13:18 - MOVIE REVIEW: Smoking Causes Coughing 18:27 - MOVIE REVIEW: Insidious: The Red Door 25:19 - TV REVIEW: Silo 35:21 - Into the Spoilerverse: Secret Invasion Episode 3 (with Dan Lynam)