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E136: Just when you're flying high in Football Manager, you get absolutely hammered [Live Episode]
The wins are adding up for Hoffenheim and European qualification is within grasp.For Liverpool, a draw is all that's needed to secure the first Premier League title for the podcast since we launched and there's every possibility it could happen at Anfield.But then, the most curious thing of the entire season happens. Perhaps the entire three seasons to date for FM23. There's an implosion, while we're live. One minute the champagne is being prepared, the next you're staring into the abyss, and you've still got to get back to work for the afternoon shift.Such is Football Manager life.It's the penultimate episode of season 3, recorded live, and we're getting ready to say goodbye to the Premier League and Bundesliga. Won't you join us?Catch up on Twitter/X @fmfshow, @tacticalmanager or @sirsok1 and get new episodes every Friday wherever you do your podcast listening.If you like what you hear, leave a five star review on your podcast app, every little helps.